Posts tagged mgmt20
How Wired Are You for Social Collaboration?

Social is the new normal in business and organizations. It requires individuals to adopt new behaviors related to networking, collaboration, agility etc.

But is everyone “wired” for social collaboration, i.e. equipped with the relevant skills and mindset?

How much are you ready for new ways of working? Take the test.

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The Disruptive Thinker Corporate Survival Kit

So…you’re a Disruptive Thinker. You work at a big company. And you want to make change happen.

I won’t dwell on the fact that you may be at the wrong place – a start-up may offer a better ecosystem for your disruptive thinking – but here you are: for many reasons, you like your job, your company, and you’re here to stay. You wouldn’t actually mind being even more recognized than today for the great value you bring

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Good Corporate Citizens Are Dangerous

Companies love Good Corporate Citizens. You know them, they never doubt the corporate strategy is the right one, never complain about their hierarchy, they always find the CEO "inspiring" and take pride in being positive.

GCCs blame or pity their colleagues and team members who dare to express any dissatisfaction with how things work – "immature" people that have to "grow" through better frustration management. Companies love those good soldiers and gratify them with all sorts of rewards.

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