Posts tagged HR20
Can Social Be Top-Down?

Adoption is the pain point of social enterprise. While adoption rates linger at staggering low levels, critical success factors are endlessly identified, dissected and commented.

Among those is the “top management support”, often seen as the key to success. But is it really? Is it true that, to succeed, social initiatives must have a high level champion, possibly the CEO? Can a company become social if it hasn’t got its Michael Dell, a Chief Social Officer, or at least highly convinced top executives?

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How Wired Are You for Social Collaboration?

Social is the new normal in business and organizations. It requires individuals to adopt new behaviors related to networking, collaboration, agility etc.

But is everyone “wired” for social collaboration, i.e. equipped with the relevant skills and mindset?

How much are you ready for new ways of working? Take the test.

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Wanted: Chief Engagement Officer

Large companies are going through challenging times, both from a business and organizational standpoints. These turbulences are hitting in a particular way old, large corporations because of their limited appetence for change.

Top-down / hierarchical / controlling and risk-avoidance company cultures but also lack of diversity in executive teams, intense competitive and financial pressure for short-term results, an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment and stringent procedures for products development & production, are all contributing to the situation. Employee disengagement is reaching worrying levels, as if the current work environment didn’t provide the motivational aspirations and perspectives it did in the past.

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